Bows & Bling Photo Frame Decorating
These fun photo frames in my bathroom are a constant reminder to me that each day is a gift and to not be so busy making a “living” that I forget to make a “life“. As a quick and easy project, I made these “interchangeable” bows with bling (you can change out with the holidays) to up the “cute factor” on these already cute black and white striped frames.
Here you can find the cute ribbon, velcro dots and random bling as well as some photo frames!
Today is called the present, but where did yesterday even go? This was a little project I did that only took a second, but it really made me stop and consider this thing we cannot stop called time. Oh my, and then it hit me, your life is happening right now in front of you…
The other day my daughter told me a joke that I thought I’d insert here >>>”What has two hands but cannot write?” Most of the time, I giggle to myself (because if you’ve heard one joke, you’ve heard them all), but this time I really didn’t know the answer. “I give up” I said, a little disappointed in myself. “A clock!” she proudly replied, adding in her now practically famous, teenage eye roll. I’m not sure if the joke even applies here, but it came to my mind when writing this post about “time“, so I thought I would share it…
I don’t know about you…
but I’ve always been a working-mom and so when my kiddos were little, I feel like I missed a lot. Yes, I was there and I participated in all of their “things”, but I look at their pictures today and it’s all a blurred memory that has flown by way too fast… I cannot change the past.The future is bright for each of them, my daughter is busy rocking the high school life with volleyball, softball, yearbook, etc. and my son is now graduated from high school and pursuing his baseball dreams at the college level. I’m highly blessed, indeed…
Let us not be quick to forget that… the past is the past,
the future is the future and the present is well, a present!
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